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Business License Online Renewal

Current business licenses can be renewed online. Renewal notices are mailed or emailed during the first week of the reporting cycle. Check to see if there is a PIN in the email or at the upper right of your renewal notice. For renewals that end on June 30 there is a time lapse between when the license expires and when the renewals are due which gives you a grace period of 30 days before the license actually expires. Please contact us at (209) 577-5389 if you have any questions about this process.

Note: If there has been a change of ownership you must submit a new application rather than renewing online. Forms are available on our website.

Please allow up to 15 business days, after completing the online renewal process, to receive your new business license.
Enter the characters in the picture below.
code in image
Account #
Enter your business license account #. This number can be found on your declaration/renewal form.
Enter your online renewal pin #. This number can be found on your declaration/renewal form. Click here to have the PIN emailed to the primary contact's email on file.